Somehow I made it to Kortrijk, Belgium to meet up with my friend Tom aka Speed Dial 7 of Zucchini Drive. I made my first attempt at driving a manual transmission while traveling from Belgium to Hamburg, Germany. There were a couple of life-threatening stalls on the infamous Autobahn, but we made it to… Continue reading Adventures in Poland
Author: robcrooks
Take a Look, It’s in a Book: What to Read on Tour
It is two weeks now until I leave on tour across Europe with Zucchini Drive, and there are still a number of things that need to be sorted out. First on the agenda: what books to bring. I always bring books on tour. That’s not to say I always read each of the books I… Continue reading Take a Look, It’s in a Book: What to Read on Tour
Happy New Year
Looking back on 2012 I’d say my overall goal was to make my goals more focused, realistic and attainable. I’ve noticed myself becoming increasingly more driven as time passes. But drive without focus and direction manifests as angst and frustration. At the beginning of last year I sincerely felt like I was at a beginning… Continue reading Happy New Year
The Grinch Who Stole Pipmas
The holidays are a two-sided coin. On the one hand, there’s the fact that winter is still kind of a nice novelty. We still have a little bit of reverence for the beauty of the snow and ice, and a feeling of playfulness that makes the cold much more bearable. It’s a small window of… Continue reading The Grinch Who Stole Pipmas
Astronautalis, Busdriver and JEL with Rob Crooks
On Sunday, December 2nd at the Pyramid Cabaret in Winnipeg, I get to open for the Astronautalis with Busdriver and JEL tour. So, put on your backpacks, your hoodies and white sneakers, and let’s hop in the time machine back to 2002 and watch some serious underground rap! Astronautalis is not a house-hold name yet,… Continue reading Astronautalis, Busdriver and JEL with Rob Crooks
Marathon of Dope Winter 2012 Sampler
With your head down, caught-up in the every day grind it’s easy to forget to take a breath, look around and see how far you’ve come. When you’re knee deep in it, shoveling it, clawing at it, fiddling with it’s most minute details, and it feels like it’s taking forever to get anywhere it can… Continue reading Marathon of Dope Winter 2012 Sampler
Reviewed in Uptown Magazine
Earlier this month, we learned of another heavy blow coming down on Winnipeg’s music scene. On top of venues closing down at an alarming rate (Negative Space now?), the free arts and entertainment weekly Uptown Magazine published it’s final issue last Thursday. It will apparently re-surface as an insert in the Winnipeg Free Press, replacing… Continue reading Reviewed in Uptown Magazine
Thank You to Everyone Who Came Out to Support the MOD Western Canadian Tour!
We returned to Winnipeg this past Sunday, feeling drained and a little more insane than when we left, but extremely fulfilled. I personally had one of the most successful tours yet. There were so many great times with old homies and new friends. Driving from Winnipeg to Vancouver and back in a car full of… Continue reading Thank You to Everyone Who Came Out to Support the MOD Western Canadian Tour!
Marathon of Dope Western Canadian Tour
Aw yea, aw yea! The headline is true! Later this month Pip Skid, Dj C0-op and I will be bringing our shit-show circus on the road from Winnipeg to Vancouver and back, setting off tornadoes of chaos and terror at every stop along the way. And just to up the ante on this already… Continue reading Marathon of Dope Western Canadian Tour
The Lo is Dead! Long Live the Lo!
On Saturday, I went to the last ever show at the Lo-Pub. The line-up was great, but that’s really not the reason I was there. I wanted to have one last drink with a terminal friend. I wanted to stay until the end, and see the lights go out; but unfortunately, in… Continue reading The Lo is Dead! Long Live the Lo!